Monday, June 14, 2010

Do you really see me?

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
There are days like today where I wonder if what I communicate to the world comes across as it is intended. Are the airs and graces expected by friends family and society still in place? Or has my mask slipped enough to show what is only mine to know? Is what I think I am showing as interest perceived as contempt? Is what I show as fear perceived as anger? Is anyone sincere and honest enough in this day and age to tell me the truth? Or are people so concerned with their own airs and graces being acceptable that the way people see me isn't as important as their own image? I guess we need to believe that the communication of human interaction is sincere for our own peace of mind. If it isn't who can we really have an honest conversation with besides the family dog and the mirror? Even the mirror seems to lie some days....


  1. Visiting from DPS. Wonderful blog...great photos!

  2. Wow, I've been feeling the EXACT same way lately. Like, have you been reading my diary? ;-)
