Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Does this phone make my ass look big?

Today I asked a young lady with a jewel studded phone with all sorts of tassles and add ons "What is with the exploded bead shop you have stuck to your ear?" I got an answer I found ridiculous. "It shows people my personality." OK. You use it to talk to people that aren't anywhere they can see you and all it shows me is that you are a superficial attention seeking airhead. It may be harsh but I still believe that conversations over the phone are private matters. Not only do I not want to know I do not need to know about "Sharron sooo like totally did it with Eddy at the dance like ya know like" It is likely to cause a torrent of abuse you didn't expect for verbally invading my personal space. If only she had been born when a mobile phone needed a backpack for the battery and it had a curly cord connecting to the handset. Maybe her view on this fashion piece would be in line with mine. No dear it doesn't make your ass look big it makes your brain look small.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Walk safely in your dreams.

Nursery rhyme
Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
I listen to parents talking AT their kids. For some reason it seems acceptable these days to try and control your child by fear tactics. It starts early by lulling them into sleep by talking about sticking the cradle in a tree on a windy day until the poor kid drops out and falls. It moves on to telling them to behave or the Bogey man will come and take them away and all sorts of horrors in between. I may have gone a less acceptable route by showing my kids that the only monsters are human and that while Daddy is around none of them are going to be hurting them. But I know my babies walk safely in their dreams. I prefer to feed their imagination and dreams on the beauty left in the world rather than feed their nightmares because I'm too lazy to take time to communicate with them.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Do you really see me?

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
There are days like today where I wonder if what I communicate to the world comes across as it is intended. Are the airs and graces expected by friends family and society still in place? Or has my mask slipped enough to show what is only mine to know? Is what I think I am showing as interest perceived as contempt? Is what I show as fear perceived as anger? Is anyone sincere and honest enough in this day and age to tell me the truth? Or are people so concerned with their own airs and graces being acceptable that the way people see me isn't as important as their own image? I guess we need to believe that the communication of human interaction is sincere for our own peace of mind. If it isn't who can we really have an honest conversation with besides the family dog and the mirror? Even the mirror seems to lie some days....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I feel connected

I feel connected
Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
I can't remember the last time i wrote a letter by hand. I like postcards and handwritten notes from friends and loved ones. The strange envelopes from the other side of the world with funny looking stamps. The smells good and bad that cling to the paper. The authors smudged fingerprints and erratic writing to prove a human put thought into sending you something worthwhile to make you feel connected. It takes a pen and paper plus a trip to the mailbox and it gives communication meaning. Yeah I can jump on any of the computers in the house and send you an email. But the more I look at it the more i see facebook and email as relationship spam.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Call from the war zone

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
Standing outside your local primary school and managing to find something that resembles a war zone seems fairly common these days. I remember when phone boxes were pristine metal and glass boxes that were occasionally used as urinals by the local vagrant. Seems these days the price of communicating by public phone is feeling like you are calling from the middle of a battlefield. I don't know what they wrote the graffiti in, but it seems the message is pretty clear "Abandon hope all ye who communicate here" Cap plan cell phones could use this to boost sales...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sky Cancer

Sky Cancer
Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
We already know i like my technology. But I like my technology to be unobtrusive or at the least neat and stylish. Phone towers are neither. The little beast in the photo is growing out of a barbwire fenced pit full of humming boxes about 10 feet away from a rather nice house in a beach-side suburb. I think its about time that our need to communicate by mobile technology takes a trip to style school. We could have phone towers that people may actually want in the backyard if they looked like they were designed by Feng Zhu rather than Gustave Eiffel.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Modern day cave painting...

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
I am surprised that tagging hasn't become a recognized language with all the associated translation books and college courses available for the general public so we can understand what is being said. Its a modern day cave man form of communication that seems to take every available space. I get some of it with local gang names and dead friends and the obligatory marking of territory. But why does most of the territory seem to be back alleys? I must be missing something about the charm of trash cans of rotting food, the smell of stale urine and the mood lighting provided by overhead sodium lamps.

On the second day came Bob...

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
The courier knocked the door off the hinges this morning. Lucky for him he was carrying a gadget that had my name on it. Gadgets make me happy. Bob is a communication gadget that let me get rid of my router, my phone and my airport all in one hit. If it made triple shot caramel esspresso grande I would vote Bob for president.

Bob is supposed to be plug and play. What they don't tell you is that means plug Bob in and then play "How many idiots in tech support can i speak to in 2 hours before my phone will work again?". I don't call tech support so they can read the 76 page pdf that comes with Bob to me and learn as they go, but apparently they think that is customer service. Funny how a great communication device comes with people in support that seem to be meeting humans for the first time by taking jobs in a call centre.

Day 1

Originally uploaded by EyesbyNikon
Time to get on with it and commit. I decided on communication as the theme for my 365. I thought at first that this would be a fairly narrow area. Then I sat down with a pencil and paper and decided that if anything I gave myself a lot of leeway here.

So where better to start than the spot where the worlds communication to me, on paper, lands.